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Curriculum Vitae (Resume, CV) pavés gris

An elegant template with sections. It was inspired by a template for LaTeX: Developper CV. The skill levels are, in fact, a table.

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latest release: 2024-08-20 18:15:50


This template was inspired by a template for LaTeX:  developper-cv.

It has a 3 columns section on the top of the first page fort the identity and the title of the CV. Then a 2 columns section for the objectives and the skill levels. These levels are a table (easy to use), except for that no table, no frame.

There is an optional 3 columns sections for informations like: languages, hobbies and so on.

Font: DejaVu sans, not critical.

Explanations in French and in English.


Release Description Compatibility Operating Systems License Release notes Updated  
V2 Some minor fixes. The template now follows the same sequence of styles than my other templates. 5.0 Linux, Windows, macOS CC-BY Sections instead of frames (contact and objectives), fonts DejaVu Sans and colors for the dark backgrounds.More easy to use and better for bots. 2023-06-13 17:08:20 Download

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